What is potamophobia?
It is the fear of rivers or running water.

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Original source: self-made; at the tip of Athabasca Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.
Author: Wing-Chi Poon
Original source: self-made; at the tip of Athabasca Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.
Author: Wing-Chi Poon
Potamophobia is the fear of rivers, that's as close as I can find. If
you're the first to be diagnosed with a true phobia your psychiatrist
water is potamophobia, but I would like to know if there is a name for
his fear of overflowing water. Thanks!
* 3 weeks ago
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(10) Potamophobia is the fear of lakes.
Potamophobia is known by a number of different names. To find out
more, click the one that seems right to you.
"potamophobia" is defined.
General dictionaries General (4 matching dictionaries)
1. potamophobia: Dictionary.com
potamophobia, though it is also used for a unreasoning fear of any
large body of water); hodophobia, a fear of travelling, hylophobia,
Potamophobia is available below.
Symptoms of Potamophobia
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information about signs and symptoms for Potamophobia has been
gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not
be the full list of Potamophobia signs or Potamophobia symptoms.