What is pogonophobia?
It is the fear of beards.

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Original source: Flickr
Author: Wen-Yan King (NGO [http://www.medapt.org medapt)]
Original source: Flickr
Author: Wen-Yan King (NGO [http://www.medapt.org medapt)]
Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.
* 1 year ago
* 0 Rating: Good Answer
It was the demon Pogonophobia’s turn to hesitate, but he was
compelled to be truthful. “While being read extracts from Eragon,”
“Great Pogonophobia,” said my Leader, dispassionate as stone.
“Impart unto us the art of this, Inferno’s most justified
* Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.
* The roar you hear when you place a seashell next to your ear is
Pogonophobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
you know your pogonophobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of beards to all those
negative emotions.
real event at which, instantaneously Pogonophobia is created.
Similar to, say, a child being bitten by a dog and developing an
The first step to overcoming Pogonophobia is to take this quick – free
– self-assessment now.
Understand where Pogonophobia comes from…
The first thing to understand is that fear is a natural and normal
Pogonophobia was mentiond by a guy called 'Bill Bailey' on his 'Part
Troll' tour. It's probably where your mates got the phobia type from.
Pogonophobia, everyone is telling me how i came up with the name.
Well I dunno, a few mates suggestered it to me so i made it!
Pogonophobia is an intense fear of something that poses no actual
danger. While adults with Pogonophobia realize that these fears are
Pogonophobia is minimized and often eliminated. Usually the
interventions are quite rapid and effective.
NLP Solutions
Energy Psychology
It was the demon Pogonophobia’s turn to hesitate, but he was compelled
to be truthful. “While being read extracts from Eragon,” he admitted,
holding up a signed copy.
“Great Pogonophobia,” said my Leader, dispassionate as stone. “Impart
unto us the art of this, Inferno’s most justified punishment.”
of Pogonophobia is available below.
Symptoms of Pogonophobia
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