What is photophobia?
It is the fear of light.
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Original source: Own work
Author: Zouavman Le Zouave
Original source: Own work
Author: Zouavman Le Zouave
Photophobia is a symptom of excessive sensitivity to light and the
aversion to sunlight or well-lit places. In ordinary medical terms it
Photophobia is also a behavior demonstrated by insects or other
animals which seek to stay out of the light.
Photophobia is a fairly common symptom. For many people, photophobia
is not due to any underlying disease.
Photophobia is eye discomfort in bright light.
Pictures & Images
External and Internal Eye Anatomy
External and Internal Eye Anatomy
Photophobia is eye discomfort in bright light.
News & Features
* CASES; The One-in-a-Thousand Illness You Can't Afford to Miss
Photophobia is eye discomfort in bright light.
Images:External and internal eye anatomy
External and internal eye anatomy
Alternative Names
Photophobia is not a disease, but a symptom of many conditions such as
infection or inflammation that can irritate the eyes. Light
Photophobia, or light sensitivity, is an intolerance of light. Sources
such as sunlight, fluorescent light and incandescent light all can
The main cause of photophobia is glare, "The undesirable effects of
scattered stray light on the retina". (P.273, "Oxford concise Colour
Medical Dictionary", Oxford University press, 1998)
athlete suffering from photophobia is often helpless under stadium
lights or in bright sunlight. See also snow-blindness.
Veterinary Dictionary: photophobia
Photophobia is a symptom of excessive sensitivity to light and the
aversion to sunlight or well-lit places. In medical terms it is not
'Functional photophobia is the most commonly encountered form of glare
hypersensitivity in the United States, and it is an important clinical
problem in ophthalmic practice
Functional photophobia was elicited in 87.5% of students, ages 18-35,
· Confronting them with a 120°-wide
* Meningitis - photophobia is one characteristic symptom of
* Meningococcal disease
Introduction: Photophobia (literally "light-fear") is the dislike of
bright light. Its cause can range from causes such as hangover or
Photophobia is eye pain with light, especially bright light exposure.
It is experienced with conditions of the eye, as well as with certain
viral infections
of photophobia, the most common with me is cataract, retinal
detachment, and a vitamin B2 riboflavin deficiency. It is usually best
Photophobia is not a fear of light (as most phobias would be) but the
experience of eye discomfort in bright light. People with photophobia
Photophobia might occur if albinism happens, and color distinction is
not good, as well as possilbe use of botulism, botox, conjunctivitis,
heavy metal poisoning, mercury poisosoning, and rabies. Which ever the
* photophobia is unexplained, persistent, or accompanied by red
eye(s) or blurred vision .
What to Expect:
Photophobia is a fairly common symptom. For many people, photophobia
is not due to any underlying disease.
Common Causes:
Photophobia is eye discomfort in bright light.
Alternative Names:
Photophobia; Light sensitivity; Light hurts the eyes; Sensitivity to
Photophobia is eye discomfort in bright light.
Alternative Names
Photophobia may be a signal of many things, but most often is a
painful and annoying condtion of the eyes, which is benign. I am a
Photophobia may be caused by mere eyestrain, migraines, and is often a
complaint of coal miners, who work in the darkest of environments,
Photophobia, especially if it is severe, see a doctor as soon as
possible- this could be the sign of a very serious condition.
figure out photophobia as sometimes it is seen as being more a
psychological disorder than a physical one. Some physicians insist
Photophobia has several symptoms other than just sensitivity to light.
Intolerance to light can also be due to an inflammation of the eyes,
Photophobia is extreme sensitivity to light.
What causes it? (posted: jan 2005)
Photophobia can be caused temporarily by various eye conditions
Photophobia is eye discomfort in bright light.
Alternative names
photophobia, red eye(s), vision problems 'uveitis' is considered a
medical emergency
photophobia, scratchy feeling in eye 'corneal abrasion' is considered
a medical emergency
photophobia, scratchy feeling in eye 'foreign body in eye' is
considered a medical emergency
photophobia, vision problems 'hyphema' is considered a medical
tears, photophobia, scratchy feeling in eye 'corneal ulcer' is
considered a medical emergency
Photophobia is usually an appropriate rational response. It is also
rationally derived from the Greek "phos" (light) + "phobos" (fear).
I believe there is no real "cause" for photophobia, but there is
someone here who works for an opthalmologist (I think) and
hopefully she'll give her more educated opinion on this
My understanding is that the photophobia is a result of the optic
nerve being constricted via the arteries that are in the area. Pre
Photophobia is eye discomfort in bright light.
Considerations Return to top
Photophobia is a fairly common symptom. For many people, photophobia
TREATMENT: Treatment should address the cause, since photophobia is a
symptom. Photogray lenses, sunglasses and/or sun visors are adaptive
Photophobia is eye discomfort in bright light.
Photophobia is a fairly common symptom. For many people, photophobia
Because photophobia is a symptom of another disorder, the underlying
cause should be diagnosed and treated by a physician. If medication is
photophobia in this situation is easily eliminated by removing the
Some medications and drugs, including some that are illegal, can cause
Photophobia is an abnormal sensitivity to, and discomfort from, light.
A person with photophobia experiences the same sensation in normal
The primary symptom of photophobia is the desire to squint or close
the eyes when exposed to light. Any light source including sunlight or
Photophobia is a fairly common symptom. For many people, photophobia
is not due to any underlying disease. Severe photophobia may be
Photophobia is eye discomfort in bright light.
Alternative Names
Light sensitivity; Vision - light sensitive; Eyes - sensitive to light
Photophobia is a condition of the eye characterized by an unusually
high sensitivity to all forms of light, ranging from sunlight to
Since photophobia can be a symptom of an underlying problem, it is a
good idea to see a doctor if one suddenly experiences increased
sensitivity to light.
When photophobia is diagnosed, many doctors recommend the use of
sunglasses or glare reducing sunglasses to address the immediate
* Meningitis - photophobia is one characteristic symptom of
* Meningococcal disease
Photophobia (literally "light-fear") is the dislike of bright light.
Its cause can range from causes such as hangover or migraine to severe
A common finding with corneal abrasion, photophobia is usually
accompanied by excessive tearing, conjunctival injection, visible
corneal damage, and a foreign-body sensation in the eye. Blurred
A common symptom, photophobia is an abnormal sensitivity to light. In
many patients, photophobia simply indicates increased eye sensitivity
without underlying pathology