What is metrophobia?
It is the fear or hatred of poetry.
It's not metrophobia - that is the fear of poetry.
* 1 year ago
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Metrophobia is the fear of poetry....really....
crazy, isn't it?
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For many metrophobia sufferers, this is all that is needed. Therapy
may be largely focused on stripping away the negative thoughts and
Metrophobia, or the fear of poetry, is surprisingly common. Many
people first develop this phobia in school, when overzealous teachers
encourage them to rank poems according to artificial scales, break
Metrophobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
you know your metrophobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of poetry to all those
negative emotions.
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Metrophobia is the fear or hatred of poetry.
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Metrophobia is a 23 year old woman from California, USA.
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