What is methyphobia?
It is the fear of alcohol.

-Methyphobia is fear of alcohol.
Collin, P.H. (Ed.) Webster's Student Dictionary
-The region of the U.S. that consumes the least alcohol (commonly
My methyphobia was the logical extension of my emetophobia.
But kids get pressured into experimenting, and I was no different.
Methyphobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
you know your methyphobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of alcohol to all those
negative emotions.
real event at which, instantaneously Methyphobia is created.
Similar to, say, a child being bitten by a dog and developing an
The first step to overcoming Methyphobia is to take this quick – free
– self-assessment now.
Understand where Methyphobia comes from…
The first thing to understand is that fear is a natural and normal
Methyphobia is fear of alcohol.
Drink of The Month!!
Check our Drink Of The Month page for new cocktails and some old
Methyphobia is fear of alcohol.
When you drink alcohol, your body temperature rises right? Wrong, the
alcohol causes your capillaries to fill with warm blood
Methyphobia is the fear of alcohol.
Research Methyphobia