What is judeophobia?
It is the fear of jews.

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Author: Daniel Ullrich, Threedots
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Original source: Own work
Author: Daniel Ullrich, Threedots
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
breakdown of Judeophobia, but these expectations were dashed as we
will see.
Gustavo Perednik
Next: Chapter 7: Persecution of the Jews Under Islam
Christian Judeophobia was equally rampant within the two main branches
of Christianity, Catholic and Protestant.
Middle Ages, through which Judeophobia has been transmitted since the
14th century.
The Blood Libel
age-old, but ever-modernizing, threat of Judeophobia is not the
heavy-hand of the law but rather a widespread determination from our
neighbors and co-citizens to defend the reality of a free society
resentments, of which Judeophobia is always a leading contender, not
the love of individual freedom, will sooner or later rule the day.
Judeophobia is a psychic aberration. As a psychic aberration it is
hereditary, and as a disease transmitted for two thousand years it
as Judeophobia) is a term used to describe prejudice against or
hostility towards Jews, rooted in an aversion to their religious/cultural/ethnic
Judeophobia at the beginning of the 21st century has been undergoing a
significant metamorphosis. It is not primarily ethnic, völkisch, or
racist in character as it was six decades ago in Europe
of Judeophobia is indignant denial. This is sometimes accompanied by
even more vehement denunciations of Israeli government policy and
Judeophobia and demeaning of Jews had the effect of
reinforcing the Judeophobia of the Church. Moreover, the
Judeophobia is Hatred of the Jews. It is the same as anti-Semitism.
Nearly every nation on earth today is to some degree or other against
In addition to Christian and Islamic Judeophobia which is rooted in
religious sentiment (Eastern religions are not antagonistic to
Judaism) there are atheistic haters of Jews. A classic example is
Islamic Judeophobia is a much more serious problem. For one, it is an
inseparable part of Islam, as it is explicitly state in the Koran,
Judeophobia, which was based on a Judeo-Christian political polemic
based on a biased account of the death of Jesus, which existed in the
But Judeophobia in Britain is not just a local problem. It has a
knock-on effect on Israelis - not only because the UK is an important
In retrospect, this new metamorphosis of Judeophobia was predictable
as soon as Jews asserted themselves as equals in Western societies or
alternatively on the international stage as a nation state
Judeophobia in contemporary Britain is also not an organized
conspiracy. It does constitute, however, an opportunistic coalition of
interest for the new left, the far right and radical Islamists
To be sure: the new Judeophobia is less dangerous to individual Jews
in Britain than the old anti-Semitism. It does not aim to reproduce
In the West, Arab Judeophobia has been refined and integrated with the
long-standing religious, cultural and racial prejudice which, due to
Europeans who believed judeophobia was indefeasible, and perhaps
partook of it themselves. They embraced the idea that the Jews ought
Among the right wing, Judeophobia has Catholic underpinnings as
its source. For example, the widely read Catholic newspaper ABC
Another aspect that is singular to Spanish Judeophobia is the
acceptance of the usage of the expression "the Jewish lobby" as
legitimate and truthful
critical of Spanish Judeophobia, was one of the promoters of the
establishment of relations between Spain and Israel, and presided
current Spanish Judeophobia has "its clearest expression in the
anti-Zionistic rhetoric"32 and that "the precedents of current
Fifthly, Judeophobia was more "official" in Spain than in other
countries. Blood libels and sermons to the Jews were not an
Fourthly, Spanish Judeophobia has always been almost
all-inclusive, even among the country's foremost intellectuals.
In spite of its depth and intensity, Judeophobia in Spain is
scrutinized less than in other Western countries. Half a century
Judeophobia in Spain is less scrutinized than in other Western
countries. Spanish traditions, media, and vocabulary, even among
Judeophobia is by reading the press. The most important Spanish
newspapers and TV channels unanimously bash Israel, demonizing the
Judeophobia is obvious."44 In a play that revives the myth of Jews
using human blood for their rituals and the crime of deicide,
Judeophobia is the one most used nowadays to define the
persecution against the Jewish people."
3. Koppel Pinson, ed
Judeophobia was still there and had to be justified. Although "in
its attitude toward the Jews and the Jewish question, the Franco
on Judeophobia5 devotes chapters to the aforementioned countries,
as well as to Argentina, Bulgaria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Italy,
Rumania, and the United States
Spanish towns and villages, grassroots Judeophobia is rampant. In
some traditional fiestas and rituals passed down from generation
the media) that Judeophobia is caused by Israeli policy. The
problem was recently presented in this light in an article by a
was void of Judeophobia and was a political instrument for racial
purity. Lozano writes: " anti-Jewry has nothing
to do with either anti-Semitism or racism..
Judeophobia is an intense fear of something that poses no actual
danger. While adults with Judeophobia realize that these fears are
Judeophobia is minimized and often eliminated. Usually the
interventions are quite rapid and effective.
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Judeophobia has targeted Jews.
This new and improved manner of hating Jews has revived and
The Judeophobia always vented on Jews under Muslim rule is reaching
out to Jews everywhere, and especially in the United States.
Egyptian media have also revived and circulated an earlier German
2) Judeophobia is strikingly universal. It has existed in almost every
country on earth, regardless of whether it had Jewish inhabitants or
how many they numbered
4) Judeophobia is deeper. As a result of the above points, negative
mental stereotypes of the Jew are profoundly embedded. If you consider
6) Judeophobia is more dangerous. With appalling ease this particular
hatred transforms into physical violence. In most countries in which
7) Judeophobia is chimerical (based on fantasy). This could very well
be the main point. Hatred against any minority group usually develops
book by Gustavo Perednik "Judeophobia" was published in Spanish. This
course summarizes the core ideas of the book. It presents a
breadth of Judeophobia was made apparent.
5) Judeophobia is obsessive. For the Judeophobe, Jews are not an
enemy. They are the enemy
If you are still not convinced, let me show you that 'Judeophobia' has
a further twofold advantage over 'anti-Semitism.' Firstly, it makes
manifest that the Jews are targeted for hatred and not anyone else.
Judeophobia is different, because there is no such misinterpretation,
but sheer fantasy. Jews can be hated for having eaten non-Jews in the
Judeophobia may have been diminished and the Nazis may have found less
support for their genocide. After all, Judeophobia is transmitted in
gestures, jokes and generalizations rather than in lectures. Jokes and
Let us make it clear that Judeophobia is not of the genre of
xenophobia. It is something very different and unique, and therefore
it deserves separate study as in this course
mentioned is China, while even in today's Japan Judeophobia is
rampant, despite its tiny Jewish community.
3) Judeophobia is permanent. Jews were despised and hated , years,
To say that Judeophobia started with Abraham is incorrect both
historically and theoretically. Historically, because it is not true
that Jews have suffered from persecutions for so long. There are
To say that Judeophobia was the main motivation of the Egyptian
Pharaoh, is also to take the Bible too literally. It is true that the
apogee of pagan Judeophobia was reached in Tacitus. For him Jewish
institutions are 'sinister, shameful, and have survived only because
of their perversity
Greek Judeophobia was inherited by Rome. In the beginning of the
common era, the Greek historian and geographer Strabo claimed that
In the previous chapter you read why Judeophobia is unique. It is
important to bear this singularity in mind in order to avoid a feeling
Judeophobia was born with Christianity (as in our 5th thesis of last
class) if there is so much evidence that both the Greeks and the
of group hatred, racism and persecution, but Judeophobia is and
remains the longest hatred, the most permanent, deep, obsessive,
universal, dangerous, chimerical hatred on earth. If we dilute it into
The peak of Alexandrian Judeophobia was achieved by Apion, whom
Flannery calls 'the first of the titans in the history of
Thus we close the chapter on ancient Judeophobia, which was mainly a
literary phenomenon, and which justifies the standpoint of those who
see in Alexandria the beginnings of Judeophobia.
Judeophobia and anti-Judaism based on religion was joined by
"post-Christian" Judeophobia in the writings of Kant, Fichte, Hegel,
Voltaire, d'Holbach and others. Most of the "post-Christian"