What is illyngophobia?
It is the fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down.

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Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was he
Author: Original uploader was Student BSMU at en.wikipedia
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Illyngophobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
you know your illyngophobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of vertigo or feeling dizzy
Illyngophobia is often, although not always, caused by a negative
experience with heights. Perhaps you experienced dizziness or panic
Illyngophobia is the fear of developing vertigo when looking down from
heights. However, the phobia itself can induce many of the same
Illyngophobia, or fear of vertigo, is a somewhat complicated phobia.
It is related to acrophobia, or fear of heights. However, those with
The best known example of illyngophobia in popular culture is Alfred
Hitchcocks 1958 film Vertigo. In the film, a police detective
develops vertigo after seeing a fellow officer fall to his death
"illyngophobia" is defined.
General dictionaries General (1 matching dictionary)
1. illyngophobia: Grandiloquent Dictionary
Illyngophobia is the fear of veritgo.
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Imacillin is a brand name for Amoxicillin
Illyngophobia is the fear of veritgo.
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