What is hydrophobia?
It is the fear of water or of rabies.

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Original source: Own work (Own photo)
Author: Kim Hansen
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: Own work (Own photo)
Author: Kim Hansen
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
The disease of hydrophobia has been known from early times, and is
alluded to in the works of Aristotle, Xenophon, Plutarch, Virgil,
animals who ordinarily develop hydrophobia has only been "estimated"
from very inadequate data. Otto Bollinger from a series of collected
statistics states that before the introduction of the Pasteur
England, and the deaths from hydrophobia were twenty. Of course this
proves nothing, as the number of persons bitten is not known, but the
the third in succession in which no death from hydrophobia was
registered in the United Kingdom. In the ten years preceding 1899, 104
deaths were registered, the death-rate reaching 30 in 1889 and
purpose of this article) no death from hydrophobia was notified in the
United Kingdom.
See Annales de l'Institut Pasteur, from 1886; Journal of the Board of
Hydrophobia is the hugely promising futuristic adventure from UK
publisher Blade Interactive, due out next Spring. In the second
land to live on – in Hydrophobia the world is drowning in the 'Great
Population Flood' – the scary thing is it might just happen!
Hydrophobia is also a term for the symptoms of rabbies, and
although Aquaphobia is the technical term for a morbid fear of
of a lot of water � Hydrophobia is the hugely promising futuristic
adventure from UK publisher Blade Interactive, due out next
Hydrophobia - Image 1It seems that Hydrophobia is slowly but surely
surfacing from the dev studios at Blade Interactive. We just got an
email from managing director Blade Interactive managing director">Pete
PS3 - Hydrophobia - Image 1Hydrophobia is set in the Queen of the
World ocean liner. Ever wondered how huge the playing area would be?
Get this: 1
Hydrophobia is a horror/survival title built from the ground up to
take full advantage of HydroEngine, a fluid dynamics engine that Blade
you know your hydrophobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of water or drowning to all
those negative emotions.
Hydrophobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
Hydrophobia: Hydrophobia is listed as a type of (or associated with)
the following medical conditions in our database:
* Viral diseases
Hydrophobia (symptom): rabies also known as "hydrophobia" is a viral
zoonotic neuroinvasive disease that causes acute encephalitis
(inflammation of the brain) in mammals.
Hydrophobia: rabies also known as "hydrophobia" is a viral zoonotic
neuroinvasive disease that causes acute encephalitis (inflammation of
the brain) in mammals
Hydrophobia is a game like no other, utilising Blade’s groundbreaking
technology to deliver an experience which is set to redefine the
boundaries of gaming.
I honestly think Hydrophobia is that game - the technology is truly
awesome. HydroEngine gives us real flowing water, it behaves exactly
Hydrophobia itself is produced by another product of our R & D team.
We call it InfiniteWorldsGCS (GCS stands for Game Development Suite).
of time structuring the way we tell Hydrophobia’s story – and it is a
mammoth story – so that it is symbiotic with the gameplay.
adventure game Hydrophobia, has told Eurogamer that it plans to
self-publish the game in March 2009. Hydrophobia takes place on the
far the worst kind of ship, Hydrophobia has players solving numerous
aquatic puzzles and has bloggers clumsily incorporating unnecessary
water words into any articles they write about it.
Survival action game Hydrophobia has been running silent and deep
since it was unveiled over a year ago for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.
Whereas the first Hydrophobia takes place on a sinking ship, The Queen
of the World (loosely based on the Freedom Ship), the sequel will
occur in a "drowned Boston
completion, Hydrophobia is gonna have to rise above a boiler plate
plot to be successful; that or it's back to the pool hall for Blade.
game Hydrophobia has spilled into March 2009.
The studio will also self-publish the title that we had previously
expected in the latter half of this year
Hydrophobia is a third-person action-adventure game set aboard a ship,
and based around water-focused physics puzzles; players can use the
Hydrophobia, or fear of water, is a classic symptom of rabies that may
appear next. At first, people have difficulty swallowing liquids.
short of our aspirations for Hydrophobia, so we built our own and
approached it from a completely new angle.
Hydrophobia is the other name for fear of water or you can say fear of
swimming even. When talking about fear of water it does not mean a
Hydrophobia as it is commonly known is caused either due to individual
experiences or due to biological factors. You may have seen someone
Rabies, also known as hydrophobia, is a viral infection that attacks
the central nervous system. Contracted through the bite of an infected
most of mankind, Hydrophobia is based aboard a lavish floating city,
the last bastion of civilisation on a planet rapidly going to the
the barmy objectivism of Ayn Rand, Hydrophobia is a sort of
philosophical eco-thriller, operating at the end of Earth's ability to
sustain human life
'We often say that Hydrophobia is Die Hard meets, Titanic, meets
the Abyss, meets Deep Blue Sea, meets Under Siege,…”
Hydrophobia is a survival adventure about conquering fear in a series
of entirely dynamic flooded environments, featuring Blades
HydroEngine technology, showcased a few weeks ago.
The water in Hydrophobia is therefore an intrinsic gameplay mechanic.
It can be dangerous; you could get caught in a torrent of churning
Hydrophobia is created using Blade's new Infinite Worlds system, which
provides incredibly information rich environments. This information
Hydrophobia is a third-person action-adventure game set aboard a ship,
and based ...
Blade Interactive
informed is by far the worst kind of ship, Hydrophobia has players
solving numerous aquatic puzzles and has bloggers clumsily
incorporating unnecessary water words into any articles they write
about it
waterlogged survival adventure game Hydrophobia, has told Eurogamer
that it plans to self-publish the game in March 2009. Hydrophobia
Hydrophobia is the first game developed using Blade's revolutionary
HydroEngine - the world's only full computational fluid dynamics
engine for games.
"Originality is hard to come by these days, and Hydrophobia has it in
bucketfuls" - Official Xbox 360 Magazine UK
"Hydrophobia is a game that's set to change the way we think about