What is hoplophobia?
It is the fear of firearms.

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Author: Original uploader was Olegvolk at en.wikipedia
Original source: Transferred from en.wikipedia; Transfer was stated to be made by User:OhanaUnited.
Author: Original uploader was Olegvolk at en.wikipedia
you know your hoplophobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of firearms to all those
negative emotions.
Hoplophobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
Hoplophobia is an intense fear of something that poses little or no
actual danger. While adults with hoplophobia realize that these fears
phobias like hoplophobia was less than 5%. Oh sure, patients made
progress. But it was only incremental. And therapy took years, not
They will seize on anything else, because hoplophobia is an
irrational fear. Conveniently for them, the language of the report
One of the telltale characteristics of hoplophobia is
terminal stupidity. That's because hoplophobia is a mental
Amendment issues to "hoplophobia," which is an irrational fear of
firearms. When asked what a rational fear of firearms would be, Korwin
Bottom line: hoplophobia is indeed irrational. Guns empower
individuals, and empowered individuals are an unacceptable threat to
the primacy of the collective will
Hoplophobia feeds on this, because gun control is people
March 2, 2008 9:28 AM
"hoplophobia" is defined.
General dictionaries General (3 matching dictionaries)
1. hoplophobia: The Word Spy
Hoplophobia is known by a number of different names. To find out more,
click the one that seems right to you.
Hoplophobia was filmed over the course of two nights in San Antonio,
Texas, during the week of the San Antonio Independent Christian Film
Hoplophobia is officially finished and awaiting release. It is
currently under consideration for competition in the 2009 San Antonio
Independent Christian Film Festival
Hoplophobia, from the Greek hoplon, or weapon, is defined as the "fear
of firearms" or alternatively, a fear of weapons in general, and
describes a specific phobia.
of hoplophobia is the idea that instruments possess a will of their
own, apart from that of their user."
"Hoplophobia" is a term used in the Gun Rights Community I frequent
online. "Hoplo-" comes from the Greek for weapon, so the term has been
"There is such a thing as hoplophobia," said David Nelson, founder of
Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah. "It is driving many of the people
engaged in the (gun rights) debate."
Hoplophobia is the fear of firearms. You can get a shot at conquering
this fear while finding this letterbox.
The term hoplophobia was coined by Jeff Cooper over thirty years ago,
"in the sincere belief that we should recognize a very peculiar
Thus hoplophobia is a mental disturbance characterized by
irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified
apprehension about those who may wield them
My point - and I hope it is clear - is that hoplophobia is a
mental disturbance rather than a point of view. Differences of
Hoplophobia is the fear of firearms.
Research Hoplophobia
Hoplophobia is characterized by inordinate and unreasonable fear of
personal arms and items perceived as personal arms (e.g., nail files,
She is not saying that hoplophobia is not a real phobia. She is
saying that anti-gun folk are not phobic because they do not
to support it, and used "mass attribution" (Hoplophobia is
deemed to be a cultural side effect of ...) and thus did
Hoplophobia, from the Greek hoplon, or weapon, is defined as the "fear
of firearms" or alternatively, an irrational fear of weapons in
general, and describes a specific phobia.