What is hierophobia?
It is the fear of priests or sacred things.

hierophobia, which is the fear of priests or sacred things
teleophobia, the fear of religious ceremonies
ecclesiophobia, the fear of churches
Hierophobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
you know your hierophobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of priests or sacred things to
all those negative emotions.
real event at which, instantaneously Hierophobia is created.
Similar to, say, a child being bitten by a dog and developing an
The first step to overcoming Hierophobia is to take this quick – free
– self-assessment now.
Understand where Hierophobia comes from…
The first thing to understand is that fear is a natural and normal
Hierophobia is an abnormal and intense fear of sacred objects.
Hierophobia is a type of specific phobia. A phobia is an abnormal and
"hierophobia" is defined.
General dictionaries General (5 matching dictionaries)
1. hierophobia: Dictionary.com
* Hierophobia is the fear of priests.
* Hippophobia is the fear of horses.
* Hodophobia is the fear of travel
Hierophobia is the fear of priests.
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Symptoms of Hierophobia
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symptoms information for Hierophobia has been gathered from various
sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of
Hierophobia signs or Hierophobia symptoms