What is coitophobia?
It is the fear of coitus.

Genophobia (also known as coitophobia) is the fear of sexual
intercourse. This phobia may be caused by actual sexual trauma (such
Coitophobia is an intense fear of something that poses little or no
actual danger. While adults with coitophobia realize that these fears
phobias like coitophobia was less than 5%. Oh sure, patients made
progress. But it was only incremental. And therapy took years, not
"Coitophobia" is a hybrid word derived from the Latin "coitus," which
is the past participle of the verb "coire" (to come together), and the
you know your coitophobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of coitus, sex, or sexual
intercourse to all those negative emotions.
Coitophobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
of Coitophobia is available below.
Symptoms of Coitophobia
Click to Check
information about signs and symptoms for Coitophobia has been gathered
from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the
full list of Coitophobia signs or Coitophobia symptoms
show that Coitophobia may be the more proper term, as Genophobia is
also used as related to genetics. Genophobia: What Is Wrong with
Genetic Discrimination? on JSTOR, currently Genophobia is receiving
* Coitophobia is ruining my life
* AnnaSydney
Coitophobia is sometimes called "genophobia". It may have causes based
on previous experience - either personal physical experience, or the
Extreme fears (phobias) such as coitophobia can lead to a variety of
disturbing symptoms such as: Breathlessness; difficulty in thinking or
Coitophobia is produced by Blue Masque Theatre
For tickets see www.edfringe.com, or call the Edinburgh Fringe Box
Office on 0131 226 0000
Coitophobia is ruining my life
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:46 am Post subject: Coitophobia is
ruining my life
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