What is catagelophobia?
It is the fear of being ridiculed.
text emoticons to a list of unusual phobias (catagelophobia is a fear
of being ridiculed), right through to The Glasgow Coma Scale (1 is no
motor response, 6 means the patient obeys commands).
Catagelophobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience
from your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly
without basis
you know your catagelophobia is illogical. But it has persisted
because your subconscious has attached the idea of being ridiculed or
ridicule to all those negative emotions.
Catagelophobia is known by a number of different names. To find out
more, click the one that seems right to you.
Catagelophobia is a fear from being ridiculed in a public gathering or
small family gathering. The person suffering from Catagelophobia fears
Catagelophobia is the fear of being ridiculed.
Research Catagelophobia
Catagelophobia is the fear of being ridiculed.
Research Catagelophobia