What is bolshephobia?
It is the fear of bolsheviks.

Bolshephobia - This phobia is a little outdated, its fear of the
Barophobia - Well you just can't do much about this one, its fear of
Bolshephobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
you know your bolshephobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of bolsheviks to all those
negative emotions.
Bolshephobia is a condition referred to as the dislike or aversion
towards Bolsheviks. It is a situation which needs more counseling and
thinking to cure it
Bolshephobia is a condition which is experienced in many individuals
nowadays without any doubt and people have not even started to
Bolshephobia is referred to as a fear which is experienced in some of
the individuals towards Bolsheviks. It is defined as "a persistent,
Curing Bolshephobia by treating with drugs is not an easy task and it
might prove to be of no use. The only work done by these drugs are to
is necessary to understand that Bolshephobia is not a disease but a
situation which could even be experienced by you or anyone. There are
no specific causes to be pointed out
only way of curing Bolshephobia is by attending clinics which do not
recommend any drugs. Such clinics are opened everywhere which are
Treatment of Bolshephobia takes a long time and also needs a lot of
patience. It might take months or even years and above all it needs
bolshephobia, which is fear of Bolsheviks. Those who fear the opposite
presumably suffer from Limbaughphobia.
"bolshephobia" is defined.
Miscellaneous dictionaries Miscellaneous (1 matching dictionary)
1. Bolshephobia: The Phobia List
Bolshephobia is an intense fear of something that poses little or no
actual danger. While adults with bolshephobia realize that these fears
Bolshephobia is the fear of Bolsheviks.
Research Bolshephobia