What is arsonphobia?
It is the fear of fire.

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Original source: Originally uploaded to the English Wikipedia here by the author
Author: Fir0002
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Original source: Originally uploaded to the English Wikipedia here by the author
Author: Fir0002
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
you know your arsonphobia is illogical. But it has persisted because
your subconscious has attached the idea of fire or flames to all those
negative emotions.
Arsonphobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from
your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without
"arsonphobia" is defined.
General dictionaries General (1 matching dictionary)
1. Arsonphobia: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Arsonphobia is known by a number of different names. To find out more,
click the one that seems right to you.
Arsonphobia is a fear of fire and is a fear that is difficult to live
with. With arsonphobia, cooking may also be difficult; so it is
Arsonphobia is basically a persistent and unwarranted fear of fire or
flames. Other names for this condition are pyrophobia, fear of fire
and fear of flames
A better alternative to curing yourself of arsonphobia is to visit one
of the many phobia clinics. These phobia clinics aim at curing your
"Arsonphobia is adorable"
"Pinches cheeks"
"ma, cweator pinis me"
"Sorry cutie"
has an Arsonphobia in his Clinique, one of the scenes while he was in
jail he meets a thief and a gangster 'Ankab (Mohamed Sharaf), He got
Redirected from Arsonphobia Pyrophobia is the fear of fire.
External Links
A fictional story about someone with Pyrophobia (http://www.geocities.com/insomark/pyro.html)